Dissemination and meetings

  • EGU 2024, Understanding the nature of earthquake swarms and earthquakes sequences with complex patterns in tectonic and volcanic regions. Wien, Austria.
  • EGU 2024, Hydrothermal alteration in volcanic settings, Wien, Austria.
  • EGU 2024, Volcanic processes: tectonics, deformation, geodesy, unrest. Wien, Austria.
  • EGU 2024, Studying active faults from the near-surface to seismogenic depth: an open challenge in seismotectonics, Conv. Ferrarini, Bonali, Kastelic, De Nardis, Alania.
  • EGU 2023, GMPV8.1 EDI, Volcanic processes: tectonics, deformation, geodesy, unrest, Wien, Austria.
  • EGU 2023, TS3.3 EDI, Studying active faults from the near-surface to seismogenic depth: an open challenge. Wien, Austria.
  • EGU 2023, TS10.2 EDI, Magma migration and volcano deformation modelling through different points of view. Wien, Austria.
  • Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission, October 3 to October 5th 2022. http://www.lacsc2022quito.com/
  • EGU 2022, GMPV9.4 EDI, Volcanic processes: Tectonics, deformation, geodesy, unrest. Wien, Austria.
  • 2022 Cities on Volcanoes (COV11) Heraklion, Crete: S2.15: The Role of Tectonics on the Emergence and Evolution of Volcanic Features.
  • 2022 Cities on Volcanoes (COV11): S1.18: Integrating knowledge of tectonic and magmatic processes with monitoring during periods of volcanic unrest.
  • EGU TS5.4 Sessions: Studying tectonic and volcanic active areas by geomorphological observations and data collection on high- resolution models, and numerical simulations of tectonic and gravity driven processes. 2021, Wien, Austria.
  • EGU GMPV9.5 Session: Volcanic processes: tectonics, deformation, geodesy, unrest. 2021, Wien, Austria.
  • EGU SM6.1 Session: Earthquake swarms and complex seismic sequences driven by transient forcing in tectonic and volcanic regions. 2021, Wien, Austria.
  • EGU NH2.1 Session: A multidisciplinary perspective on past to present volcanism and volcanic hazards. 2021, Wien, Austria.
  • 3 December 2018. Shaping geological 3D virtual field-surveys for overcoming motor disabilities, an event promoted by EGU thanks to an award given to Fabio L. Bonali. (https://www.egu.eu/news/400/egu-2018-public-engagement-grants-awarded-to-suzanne-imber-and-fabio-bonali/).
  • European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Monday, 8-12 April 2019, 3D Virtual Reality Use for Geohazards.
  • 17 March 2017 – Milano Digital Week, talk entitled: Drone coordination to explore the earth. During the talk, we presented the several projects giving the possibility to the people of trying the VR exploration using Google Earth VR. (https://www.unimib.it/eventi/Bicocca_Digital_Week_2018).
  • 2 October 2018 – B.inclusion days of University of Milan-Bicocca: “Insieme per un’Università inclusiva, innovativa e internazionale”. The event was planned in occasion of the 20th anniversary of the university and the idea was to provide lessons without any kind of barrier.
  • The event consisted in a talk in the morning, which was the occasion to present several projects, and a VR geological exploration session in the afternoon, which was frequented by 30 people. (https://www.unimib.it/eventi/binclusion-days).